Heather Vivian

Heather Vivian

Graphic Design

LaSalle College Vancouver


QR Code


Graphic Design

Graphic Design/LaSalle College Vancouver/Thumbnail-HeatherVivian_Donuts_Infographic2.jpg

Go Nuts for Donuts Infographic

by Heather Vivian
Graphic Design
LaSalle College Vancouver
Graphic Design/LaSalle College Vancouver/Thumbnail-fr.jpg

Natalie Eng Recipe Book

by Heather Vivian
Graphic Design
LaSalle College Vancouver
Graphic Design/LaSalle College Vancouver/Thumbnail-Assignment04_DaytoNight.jpg

Day to Night Photoshop Transition

by Heather Vivian
Graphic Design
LaSalle College Vancouver
Graphic Design/LaSalle College Vancouver/Thumbnail-HeatherVivian_SummertoWinter.jpg

Summer to Winter Transition

by Heather Vivian
Graphic Design
LaSalle College Vancouver
Graphic Design/LaSalle College Vancouver/Thumbnail-HeatherVivian_FontBook_VinylAlbumCovers_flattened-09.jpg

Type Classifications Vinyl Album Covers

by Heather Vivian
Graphic Design
LaSalle College Vancouver
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