Conformity (Creativity Project)

Throughout of lives we collect layers as we conform to the whims and normalcies of society. These layers of our personality are not legitimate, they are but a facade hiding who we really are. The Creativity project is the chance that the students were given to be creative and design a full look while respecting the main theme. The general theme of the project was to address major or minor crisis of the world and society. The students must design a ready to wear look to express their views on a their chosen subject.

Fashion Design/LaSalle College | Montréal/605qz5uf4rii3omtb1r7qmd7y6gg18kt
Fashion Design/LaSalle College | Montréal/Technical and Artistic drawings

Technical and Artistic drawings

Once the prototypes


Once the prototypes of the original deigns were made, some changes were made.

Fashion Design/LaSalle College | Montréal/605qz5uf4rii3omtb1r7qmd7y6gg18kt
Fashion Design/LaSalle College | Montréal/Technical and Artistic drawings
Once the prototypes