Cosplay - Ashe, the Frost Archer

Cosplay made by me based off Riot Games design of Ashe, the Frost Archer Photos by JWR Photography.

Designed by Riot Gam

Ashe Splash Art

Designed by Riot Game for League of Legends.

Design de mode/Collège LaSalle | Montréal/8pbadg6p0cgvxwncrc2ik9rtk0ekv9rc
Bow made out of insu

Bow, Quiver and Arrows

Bow made out of insulation foam, paper mache and craft foam. Painted with spray paint and acrylics. Quiver made out of cardboard and craft foam. Painted with acrylics. Arrows made out of wooden dowels and craft foam. Painted with acrylics.

Designed by Riot Gam
Design de mode/Collège LaSalle | Montréal/8pbadg6p0cgvxwncrc2ik9rtk0ekv9rc
Bow made out of insu